July 20, 2009
The FAME Etobicoke Speaker Series for Autumn 2009 has been organized.
We will have lawyers presenting on Henson Trust and the RDSP (Registered Disability Savings Plan).
The RDSP allows persons with disabilities and their families to contribute to this plan without it affecting their ODSP.
It's about time that persons receiving ODSP income support are given the validation by society that they deserve. They are citizens and should be entitled to the same rights. If you work, you are allowed to save for your future, without it affecting your income; in fact you are encouraged to save by being given tax credits. Just because you are unable to work because of a health issue, should not exclude you from this "right to save". This is a positive step forward in recognizing people with disabilities as valued members of society.
Check out the FAME website for details of these FREE educational events!
Enjoy the rest of the summer and see you in the fall!