Tuesday, October 9, 2012

RBC releases it's national survey on Mental Health

Yesterday morning I was reading the Toronto Star and found an article authored by Barbara Turnbull titled "Kids, Parents are not discussing mental health concerns RBC poll finds".

Basically what the article speaks to is that children don't confide in their parents when they are experiencing issues around their own problems.  The poll also reflected that more than 50% of parents don't approach their children to talk to them about mental health.  After reading this article I sat and pondered for a while and thought to myself there was definitely something missing, both by RBC and by the author.  There is a much larger landscape here, and it is my opinion, that we can't see the forest for the proverbial trees.  Let's step back and take a look at what I'm speaking to.  

Friday, September 28, 2012

Happenings in and about FAME....and Save the Date!

Summer comes to a close and as the leaves begin to fall the ground our thoughts turn to the winter activities. So this is just a quick note on a couple of things. Looks like the move in Scarborough will finally take place and our Family Outreach office will be located in their new digs at: 1911 Kennedy Road, Unit 107. The phone number will remain the same as will the email contact with Paul O'Donnell.

Next up....we can practically hear the bells a jingling.... so that means we are busily beginning to plan the FAME family holiday gatherings. So please be sure to mark down a SAVE THE DATE and come on out and enjoy the festivities

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mad Pride Toronto 2012
Tuesday July 10- Sunday July 15
Check out the website, http://madprideto.com/, to see the events that will be held to challenge  discrimination and advocate for rights in dealing with a mental health concern.  It's an opportunity to have fun as well!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Loans for entrepreneurs with mental health/addictions

Hello all, 

I am writing to let you know about a partnership between CAMH and Rotman School of Management which provides loans for people with mental health and/or addictions, who are interested in pursuing self-employment, and who are unable to access credit from mainstream financial institutions.  The initiative is known as RISE Asset Development and they are currently looking for entrepreneurs who need this type of assistance.  

Here's where to get more info: 

Web:   http://riseassetdevelopment.com/
Phone:  647-232-RISE (7473) or toll free 1-855-464-RISE (7473)
Email:  info@riseassetdevelopment.ca

Spread the word!

Good luck,


Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Kids are Alright!

At moments we are pretty quick to bash the youth of today. Just the other day I read an article in one of the major daily papers talking about how the current generation of youth suffer from a major case of narcissism, self entitlement, self indulgence and referred to them as the "it's all about me" generation. They described them as a dumbed down generation of digital youth who live and die with their iPhones and Macbooks. They don't talk, they text and that the world that they see doesn't go past the end of their noses or their electronic devices. Well I can tell you this just simply isn't true and painting them with such a negative swath is something I'm not so quick to jump on the bandwagon with.

Friday, March 16, 2012

fameKids Etobicoke Group

With spring approaching, the birds chirping, and the sun shining, we have another fameKids group coming up!

This group will be held with our partner agency in Etobicoke, The George Hull Centre for Children and Families at their head office.  This is our 4th year running the fameKids program with the George Hull, and we are grateful for their continued support and commitment to helping children in our community.  The following are the details of the group:

Start date:  March 29 (every Thursday)
End date:  May 17
Time:  4:30-6pm

The group is almost full, so if you're interested in registering a child, please contact me soon!  You can reach me at:  416-207-5032 ext. 26 or anien@fameforfamilies.com

And remember...kids are amazing!

Yours truly,

fameKids Coordinator & Children's Outreach Worker

Monday, March 12, 2012

Etobicoke Educational Series

The Etobicoke Educational meetings are as follows:



An overview of ODSP eligibility criteria, application process, rights and benefits for recipients. A brief discussion about the current Social Assistance Review.
Speaker: Sayonara Mairena
Community Legal Worker
South Etobicoke Community Legal Services



Overview of the Disability Tax Credit Certificate (DTC) and RDSP. The DTC offers many benefits to individuals with disabilities through Canada's tax system. The RDSP, introduced in 2008, is a long-term savings plan de-signed for persons with disabilities that attracts up to $4,500 a year in fed-eral contributions.
Speaker: Brendon Pooran, LLB., B.Comm
Pooran Law

Both events will be held at:
Fairfield Seniors’ Centre
80 Lothian Avenue, Room 4
(South of Islington/Bloor intersection. Turn East from Islington onto Springbrook Gardens, at the second intersection, turn Right onto Lothian)

Hope to see you! To register call Mary at 416-207-5032 ext. 29

Friday, March 9, 2012

Scarborough Family Support Groups

Caregivers often need knowledge, perspective
and support when relating to a relative
who is affected by mental health issues.

There are two groups each month in Scarborough:

'2nd Tuesday' each month - Neilson & Ellesmere Rds.
'Last Thursday' - near Birchmount Rd. and Finch Ave.

You could attend either or both groups.

You also have the option of making a confidential
appointment at the F.A.M.E. office in Scarborough.

Call Paul at 416-913-2144

Friday, March 2, 2012

Upcoming fameKids Group

Can you believe that it's March already? I hear Spring calling for us, we seem to have already gotten a taste of it.

We are excited to announce our upcoming group in the Peel Region.

Peel Region:

Start date: March 22 2012
End date: May 10th 2012
Time: 4:30pm-6:00pm (Thursday's)

Where is it you ask?

At the FAME Mississauga office located at 50 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W. Mississauga ON L5B 3C2

Who do I contact to register my child?

Safra Farouque - fameKids & fameYouth Outreach Worker
Phone: 416 - 207 - 5032 ext. 25
Email: safraf@fameforfamilies.com

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mississauga Family Support Group

I hope everyone will be able to join myself and other family members at the Mississauga February Family Support Group on Monday, February 27th, 2012 from 7-9pm.  Our meetings are usually the third Monday of every month, although in February that falls on Family Day!  So please come out the following Monday to share, meet new people, and self care with us. 
I hope everyone will use their day off on Family day to spend some quality time with those that you love (and that includes yourself!).

I hope everyone has a wonderful week, and if there are any questions regarding the group, please feel free to contact me at 905-276-8216.

Hope to see everyone there!


Monday, February 6, 2012

When Mental Illness Becomes Part of a Family

Award Winning Journalist, Andre Picard continues his ongoing series about mental illness in the Globe and Mail. This time Mr. Picard writes about when mental illness becomes part of a family. I encourage you to take a few minutes and have a read at one of the latest installments in this series.

Finally, February 8th rapidly approaches and I'd like to take this opportunity to remind you about Bell's "Let's Talk About It" campaign. Let's talk. Let's get this all out in the open. The only way we'll ever move towards removing stigma and increasing tolerance and understanding of the complexities of mental illness is to talk about it.