Thursday, May 29, 2014

New centre helps struggling mothers go beyond stigma of mental health!

Helping Women be better Moms !

Look what I found! Women's college Hospital announced a pilot project that supports women while parenting with mental-health issues.

Click HERE for the full article 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Video about "When a Parent has a Mental Illness..."

This is a YouTube video clip about children's experiences of having a parent with a mental illness. They touch on key experiences of being young carers, children not getting an explanation of their parent's mental illness that they could understand, and common feelings children experience. The video also talks about similar topics that are covered in the FAMEkids program.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Resource for Dad's

I came across this video under the COPMI Resources for Dad's. This short video is about several dad's sharing their experience about being parents when they are affected or their partner is affected by mental illness. They talk about many ways they are their for their children including: activities they do together, and listening to their children's thoughts and feelings about what is going on. There is also some other information below the video about supporting children.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Play in Peel

The Peel Children and Youth Initiative (PCYI), along with a bunch of other people, have teamed up to create a new recreation, arts, and culture app for Peel Region.  This new web app will allow you to search for activities in Mississauga, Brampton, and Caledon that you can access from your computer, smart phone or tablet.  All you have to do is plug in some search terms such as age, interest, location, etc. and you can find out what's happening for you and your whole family on any given day that's convenient for you!  Get ready for the launch of this app on May 26, 2014.  You can access it here.  Looks like this is the end of "But there's nothing to do around here" - at least in Peel :)

Friday, May 16, 2014

Activity of the Month!

This month's activity is an art therapy directive about children and youth imagining an image to represent their inner strength. It is called the Inner Helper. This activity can be helpful for many children including children who have difficulty with negative thinking and difficulty coping with stress or anxiety. This activity is can be used with children age 7 and up.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Celebrating the Strength in Children

Happy Child and Youth in Care Day- March 14th! 
In the spirit of supporting vulnerable children. Happy Child and Youth in Care Day!
There are over 8,000 children and youth living under the care of the Crown and of Childrens aid societies in Ontario. By proclaiming May 14th each year, Children and Youth in Care Day, the province of Ontario recognizes the strength, bravery and resilience shown by these children and youth faced with adversity. Much like the strength, bravery and resilience of the kids in our FAME kids programs.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Toronto Landmark Increases Awareness of Mental Health Week

Congratulations to CMHA Ontario and Children's Mental Health Ontario in their successful application for having a Landmark lit green for Mental Health Week|
It's great to see the word is getting out and hopefully one day we will all talk openly about mental health in the same manner we talk about heart disease and cancer.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Depression: The Misunderstood Epidemic

I came across a video which highlights people's stories, experiences and perspectives of depression. The hour long video showcases how people struggling with depression have overcome helplessness, hopelessness and despair, how loved ones have coped with it and created partnerships which have aided in recovery and wellness, and speaks to the fact that knowledge IS power.

I encourage you to take the time to understand Depression, a mental health issue that almost 3 million Canadians live with, and is believed to become the 2nd most common cause of disability worldwide by 2020.

Educate, Inform and Accept
End the Stigma around Mental Illness

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Mental Health Education aimed at youth to kick stigma in the butt!

Most individuals start to experience symptoms of a Mental Health concern in their teen years and early 20's; so doesn't it make sense to give all of these wonderful kids all the education and tools they  need to succeed? I think so!  STIGMA is one of those things that makes it difficult for an individual to seek out any type of support for themselves, or someone they know.  You know what? I think stigma is a jerk.  The great thing is that we can all work together to erase it from our landscape, and start the journey to be well.

Children's Mental Health Ontario has been putting on an anti-stigma YouTube contest called "change the view".  They call on youth from all over Ontario to share their stores to try to erase the stigma of Mental Illness.  Please please please click on this AMAZING STORY and be ready to be inspired by a brave 19 year old.
Her video is posted in the link as well, and i can't begin to imagine the guts it took to put herself out to the world like this.  What an inspiration!
Okay everyone, let's get out there and:

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

International Family Equality Day

  Happy Belated International Family Equality Day!
On the first Sunday in May, LGBTQ family organizations from around the world join forces, to increase the international visibility of LGBTQ families. I hope the sunshine was beaming and burgers were delicious.