The description of "invisible illness" is something that i often hear when families speak about their loved one's Mental Health issues. These feelings, moods, behaviours, perceptions etc. that can take over one's life, can also be hidden from plain view. Someone close to me recently questioned whey they keep being told they don't seem "unwell enough for treatment" because they are able to have a relationship, friends, hold down a job etc., regardless of how horrible they feel. Sometimes this makes it difficult for the person themselves to see or admit that they aren't feeling well, and it also makes it extremely difficult for surrounding friends and family to notice that that person may need support and help.
Sandra Charron as been writing some blog posts recently about her own battle with Mental Health issues, and this most recent post has really struck a chord with me. In the post
Can We Let Go of These Mental Illness Stereotypes?, Sandra speaks about her own issues with how Mental Illness is treated by society (and that includes health professionals as well!).
So let's all stop saying: