Thursday, September 3, 2009

Family and Consumer Focus Group


Thursday September 24, 2009 from 6:30-7:30
Location: 2600 Edenhurst Drive Suite 101, Mississauga Ontario (Hurontario and Dundas)

The Mental Health and Addictions Education and Training Task Team is looking for your help to participate in a focus group which will allow them to further develop educational opportunities for individuals and families.

They want to learn:
· How you accessed information/education in the beginning?
· What education/ resources do you feel would be beneficial to families and consumer?
· What type of education would you like to see in the future?

Do not hesitate; we need the expertise of individuals and families to help create more effective resources for the mental health and addictions services in Mississauga.

Please RSVP to Lyndsay Wright at 905-276-8316

**The Mississauga Halton LHIN (Local Health Integration Network) SIGMHA (System Integration for Mental Health and Additions) team has been busy over the last couple of years trying to improve the Mental Health and Addictions services here within our city. Our LHIN is one of 14 throughout the province of Ontario and is responsible for the planning, funding, integration and evaluation of all health services**.

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