Happy new year! It's a brand new year and there is lots of activity going on over here at FAME. Let's start by extending best wishes for happy, happy, happy birthdays to a couple of our staff members. Lyndsay Wright, our Mississauga Family Outreach Worker and Marcia Reid our Admin chick and Spreadsheet Queen extraordinaire are the birthday babies this month at FAME.

I say let them have cake and eat it too! It's all about the chocolate for these girls. Best wishes to them both.
Ok....moving right along. Just wanted to take this opportunity to remind you of Mary Jursinic's ongoing speaker's series for Jan, Feb & March....don't miss it. It's all great information and as always at FAME we continue to work hard to support, educate and help families.
A new year always brings with it a renewed sense of hope and good health. So here's hoping that your new year is a great one!
Keep the faith!
Coop (also known as Christine the executive director and chief cook at the holiday parties :)
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