Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How one person explains their own depression.

I'm constantly trying to understand what mental illness looks like through the eyes of the person who is experiencing it.  I know that i will never really understand how another person is feeling, but listening and empathizing really helps with my own perspective and coping skills.  I often ask myself "how can i help this person or family if I have no concept of what they're going through?".  I have to remind myself that it's okay that i can't see through their eyes, but i can sure try to step into their shoes for a different view on..well...everything.

 I'm a huge fan of a blog of comics written by a woman who has experienced Depression.   There are two comics in particular about her struggle with depression that have gotten a lot of attention.  They're important to me because it's very personal, real and heartbreaking; while all the while adding in some humor which really  makes these feelings easier to relate to for people who have never experienced Depression.

Please visit  Hyperbole and a half: adventures in depression for the first part, and get even more perspective from Hyperbole and a half: Depression part 2.

NOTE: the above links contain some swearing.

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