Wednesday, September 9, 2015

National Suicide Prevention Week 2015

September 7th - September 13th marks National Suicide Prevention week. Jamie Tworkowski from To Write Love On Her Arms (TWLOHA) writes:

"The lie is that depression and suicide are things that we can't talk about.
It's a lie that causes people to feel alone and live alone when it comes to their pain.  The truth is that, as people, we all relate to pain.  We all struggle from time to time, we all experience sadness, and we all encounter huge questions in this life.  All of that is part of this human experience that you and I keep waking up to.

And with all of that in mind, welcome to National Suicide Prevention Week.  This week, people all across America are pushing back at the lie.  Thousands more will join them on Thursday for World Suicide Prevention Day.  Together we will say that it's important to talk about mental health and suicide.  Together we will say that it's okay to be honest and it's okay to ask for help.  Together we will say we're not alone.

Here at TWLOHA, we're asking folks to think about tomorrow.  Suicide means a story ends too soon. Hope means believing that tomorrow can be different, that life is worth living, that it's possible to change.

Our "We'll See You Tomorrow" campaign was born from some words I wrote at the end of National Suicide Prevention Week one year ago.  I want to share those here:

Above all else, we choose to stay.  We choose to fight the darkness and the sadness, to fight the questions and the lies and the myth of all that's missing.  We choose to stay, because we are stories still going.  Because there is still some time for things to turn around, time for surprises and for change.  We stay because no one else can play our part.

Life is worth living.

We'll see you tomorrow."

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