Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Wednesday January 27 Bell Canada Let's Talk Campaign

Bell Canada via their annual  Let's Talk Campaign raises awareness of mental health issues and fundraises for mental health support programs.

On the same day, the Canadian television program, The Social will be televising an interview with Prime Minister Trudeau to discuss mental health on a personal level and in regards to the federal government's role.  It is great to see that mental health awareness is increasing via the involvement of private and government institutions.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Recovery & Mental Health

The best way to understand mental wellness is to view it as a continuum. Our positions may shift from time to time depending on the events of our lives. Seeing mental health as a continuum means that we are not always stuck in one state and we are able to move back and forth. It’s important to understand that we all have mental health, just as we all have physical health. The quality of our mental and physical health fluctuates. Factors such as stress, lack of sleep and traumatic experiences can impact our mental health as can the level and quality of support that one has in times of stress. Just as we need to do things to maintain good physical health, it helps to do certain things to maintain good mental health, such as manage our stress, seek counseling and support when overwhelmed, or take care of our bodies through proper sleep, diet and nutrition.