Friday, September 5, 2014

Great idea, San Antonio!

"Texas ranks 49th out of 50 states in how much funding it commits to mental health. But San Antonio has become a model for other mental health systems. It has saved $50 million over the past 5 years."

When I first read that statement, I couldn't wait to get my hands on the information behind it.  A lot of us know that to make our mental health systems more productive, compassionate, accessible and efficient, it will take a lot of time and A LOT of money.  The cost is one of the most common reasons I hear as a barrier for improvement of preventative services.  I've always been one to advocate for paying more for community services at the beginning, knowing that in the long run it will decrease even greater costs in the following areas: Emergency room visits, hospital stays, ambulance calls, incarceration etc.   These are HUGE long terms costs.  

Please click on the links provided to hear about how San Antonio has revamped its entire mental health system, outlook, and accessibility; and how the Police are helping to provide a social safety net for the community.

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