Tuesday, November 18, 2008


All out there in cyberspace. Things are just zipping along out here in the far reaches of Peel. There are lots of families in need. The family support groups in Brampton and Bolton continue to be well attended.

I recently attended a one day workshop by Dr. Jonathon Prousky on treating mental illness through OrthoMolecular medicine, for professionals. There were many psychiatrists, MD's and Naturopathic doctors. The discussion was quite technical as you can imagine and often a bit beyond my understanding. Having an absessed tooth at the time also added to the challenge. However, I left the workshop believing that this method of treatment can be very helpful in many instances. My biggest challenge is being able to help family members get connected to Dr. P. or other professionals using the methods. Dr. P. did point out that if the consumer is on ODSP that each appointment is only $14. at the Naturopathic College. This was good to know.

So long for now,


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