Monday, April 14, 2014

Activity of the Month!

This month's activity is an art therapy directive about children and youth imagining a place they feel safe. It is called the Special Place or alternatively the Safe Place. This activity is can be used with children age 7 and up.

For the materials there is a variety of art materials that could be used from the basic pencil crayons and markers with paper to pastels and paints to model magic or clay with paints. I have had some children prefer to stick with the basic art materials and others really wanting to depict their safe place in 3D with clay or model magic. 

For the instructions you will first discuss deep breathing. Then explain that this activity involves imaging a place they feel safe, and that you will be reading them something to help them visualize this place. It is important to check in with the child if they feel comfortable closing their eyes, and if they do not to let them know they can keep their eyes open. There are many scripts that exist for this activity, but the one I will be using with some modifications is from The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook for Kids by Shapiro, Sprague and McKay. It can be helpful to read the script in a calm voice at a slow pace.

"Closing you eyes, take long, deep breaths. Feel your body relax, letting go of any tension. Just feel your breath go in and out. Listen to your breath, saying to yourself, "I am peaceful and relaxed." Then allow an image of picture to form in your mind of a place that feels healing and safe. Allow the time you need for it to come to you. Don't worry it if takes a while. It can be somewhere you've been or maybe a place you've never been. It feels completely safe and is completely yours. Nothing can come in that you don't allow in. When you are there, just nod or raise a finger to let me know. (Keep the pace slow as the child experiences the image). Notice what it is like there. What are you seeing? What do you hear? (Allow the child plenty of time to respond and/or process this as not all children may respond verbally). Do you notice any smells? Who is there? Now take a moment to enjoy your safe, special place. Feel how it feels to be there. You can return here anytime you want. When you are ready, begin to return to the room. Take your time. (Once the child has had time to return to the room continue with the following). When you are ready you can depict your Special Place with the art materials available." 

After they have depicted their Special Place it can be helpful for the child to be provided with an opportunity to share using the following prompt "Can you tell me about your safe place". It is important to keep the questions open ended if you ask any after their explanation.

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