Thursday, June 11, 2015

Family Fair at the Hincks-Dellcrest Centre

The Family Fair held at the Hincks-Dellcrest Centre in North York saw an incredible turn out on Wednesday, June 10th.

With art activities, outdoor games, face painting and henna, there was no shortage of fun for the whole family. Along with fun and games, many of Toronto's family service providers were present to provide information to families in the community.

FAME's information table was popular for both children and parents alike. Many of the families to approach the table were unfamiliar with FAME but were thrilled to hear about the unique services that the agency provides. A great deal of information was given to not only families but also to fellow service providers who were also curious about FAME.

Throughout the short event, FAME remained a high-traffic table, partially because of its enticing children's art activities but also because of the information and enthusiasm from its service providers. The day was well received by those who attended and all were thankful that the weather remained dry and warm!

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